At the American Mini Lop Rabbit Club, we’re all about recognizing the incredible achievements of our members and their Mini Lops. Whether you’re a seasoned breeder or just getting started, our club offers a platform for showcasing your hard work and dedication. From national shows to the prestigious ARBA conventions, our members consistently bring home top honors. Our awards are a testament to the passion and commitment that fuel our community.
Reach out to us today to learn more about our award-winning Mini Lops and how you can get involved in our club.
Congratulations to Tegan Walker and Kenner Selby for their Best of Breed Solid Senior Buck.
Congratulations to Graydan Padgett for his Best Opposite Sex of Breed Solid Junior Doe.
Congratulations to Brad and Katie Boyce for their Best of Breed Solid Senior Doe.
Congratulations to Amy Stewart wtih her Best Opposite Sex of Breed Broken Senior Buck.
Open BOB: Nancy Riedeman and BOS: Fayth and Lisa Young
2023 ARBA Convention
Louisville, KY
Youth BOS: Hanna and Rylee Brattlie
2023 ARBA Convention
Louisville, KY
Open Best of Breed: Nancy Riedeman
2023 ARBA Convention
Louisville, KY
Youth Best of Breed: Preston Martin
2023 ARBA Convention
Louisville, KY
Fayth and Lisa Young won Open Best of Breed and Best Display at the 2023 National Mini Lop Show in Greensboro, NC.
Mike Padgett won Open Best Opposite of Breed at the 2023 National Mini Lop Show.
Syrenity Wilson won Youth Best of Breed and Best Opposite of Breed at the 2023 NMLS in Greensboro, NC.
Chayleigh Swartz won Youth Best Display at the 2023 National Mini Lop Show in Greensboro, NC.
Chris Mackprang's Mack's Black Quartz won Open Group 3 at the 2022 ARBA Convention.
Cooper Knutsen with his Youth Best of Breed Mini Lop and Francesca Terrones with her Youth Best Opposite Sex Mini Lop.
Chris Mackprang with his 2022 ARBA Convention Best of Breed and Best Opposite of Breed.
Heather Kleckner-Malcom with the Best of Breed and Best Opposite of Breed at the 2022 NMLS in Alma, MI.
Katie Rivers with her Youth Best of Breed at the 2022 National Mini Lop Show in Alma, MI.
Chayleigh Swartz with her Best Opposite at the NMLS in Alma, MI.
Each year at ARBA Convention, all chartered rabbit clubs that have purchased booth space at convention, are entered in the booth contest. The contest is judged based on interactive elements, educational elements, theme, overall appearance, etc. Our booth was planned and set up by Kristen and Karen Wadsworth. We thank them for their exceptional effort!
Best Opposite: Hannah Brattlie
Best of Breed: Marissa Hessou
Best of Breed: Debbie McCombs
Best Opposite: Travis Valadez
Kristen Wadsworth with her NMLS Best of Breed SSD and Mike Padgett with his NMLS Best Opposite SSB.
Morgan Buatte with her NMLS Best Opposite Sex SSB.
Rylee Brattlie with her NMLS Best of Breed BSD.
AMLRC Youth, Chloe Plesic, had some great pics taken with her AMLRC Top Lop, CP Hope.
Photos courtesy of Rebecca Myers Plesic.
Laura Dutton's broken doe, Liberty, won Best of Breed in shows A, B, and C at the CPRBA and ECRBA shows, Smithfield, NC on November, 14, 2020. Liberty was also Reserve Best in Show in Show C.
Lynn Marble-Riechers with her Best of Breed Solid Senior Buck.
Nancy Riedeman with her Best Opposite Sex Broken Senior Doe. In addition, Nancy also won Best Fur and Best Display at the 2019 National Mini Lop Show.
Richelle and Teresa with their Open Best of Breed Solid Senior Buck.
Sara Kitsemble (WI), Open Best Opposite Sex, with a Solid Senior Doe.
Ethan and Abby Spenelli (MI) with their Youth Best of Breed Solid Senior Doe at the 2018 National Mini Lop Show. Judge Blaine Maier.
Photo credit Mel Brichta.
Allison Cramer with her Youth Best Opposite Sex - Broken Senior Buck at the 2018 National Mini Lop Show. Judge Blaine Maier. 
Photo credit Mel Brichta.
Open Best of Breed
Jay Dodson (TN) with judge John Grimm.
Open Best Opposite Sex
Donna Mallory (MI).
Youth Best of Breed
Abigail Luerssen (WI).
Youth Best Opposite Sex
Kailey, Keegan & Kayden Hockerman (WI).
Being a part of the American Mini Lop Rabbit Club means more than just owning a rabbit; it’s about celebrating excellence and participating in a supportive community. Our awards highlight the best of the best, showcasing the incredible talent and dedication of our members. Here’s why these accolades are important:
If you’re passionate about Mini Lops and want to be a part of something special,
join us and see your efforts recognized on a national stage.
AMLRC Photo Disclaimer: Photos are used with the permission of the individual or the photographer. Group photos, taken in public locations, do not legally require the permission of each individual in the photo.
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